All Graphs Created Using Python, Pandas, and Plotly.

Drag the box to zoom in on the graph.

Hover over graph to get more insight and see data.

Profit by Date against Discount

This graph shows how much profit has been gained on a specific date, but also shows discount to show how that metric affects profit.

This graph is light due to it’s many observations. Drag the box to zoom in on specific dates to see more clearly.

Sales against Profit and Discount

This plot is another to show how discounts affect profit. This time it is mapping sales against profit to see the disparity between the two.

Order ID by Quantity.

This graph is meant to show us which orders had the highest quantity.

Count of Quantity by Region

This graph shows how much was ordered by a specific region

Order Quantity by Segment

This pie chart shows how much was ordered by a specific segment.